My name is Neeltsje Stephenson, the face behind Mokum Art.
From 2016, I have been working out of my light filled studio near Amsterdam. Earlier, I contributed to projects on four different continents, which left me with a wealth of beautiful inspiration.
I took art classes in the USA (Hampton, VA), and at the Gooise Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten in The Netherlands, where I learned to work with various mediums, such as acrylic and oil paints, as well as water colors.
As part of an artist collective (ArsProDeo), I participated in various traveling expositions around The Netherlands, and Belgium (OM). In 2021, I started working in collections and established Mokum Art.
- Art for those who seek meaningful fine art for their homes,
which serves as a positive mindset reminder —
Besides making your home feel dedicated, the image can also serve as an inspiring conversation starter. I am honored to have my artwork welcomed in the homes of collectors in countries like the USA, Canada, Japan, Israel, France, and the Netherlands.
Besides art, I have a background in linguistics, education, and Biblical studies, including a one-year program in Jerusalem.
Together with my American husband, we form an international family, and our children are growing up trilingual. (Such happens when your mom is a linguist I guess.) Being part of two cultures has its challenges, but much more than that, it makes for an interesting and colorful life.
My hope is that you will be inspired by my Scripture fine art!
What collectors say about
Mokum Art originals
“Very pleased with my little piece of Mokum art!
A daily reminder of His faithfulness unto me.
Happy with the handeling of the order, neat packaging.
All in all, excellent service.”
“It came beautifully and carefully wrapped.
I feel God’s gentleness and kindness in the colors, design and texture.
Truly a beautiful reminder of His protection for us!
So satisfied with this!”
What collectors say about
Giclée prints
“It had been packaged with care and it arrived safely here in Canada! So nice to have “A Place By Me” in my home.”
“Na bestelling kreeg ik de prints snel, leuk verpakt met een mooi kaartje.
De prints zien er goed uit, het canvas is stevig en de kleuren levendig.
En de tekst herinnert me vaak aan de plek ik bij God mag hebben, heel fijn.”
“Wat bin ik bliid mei myn leste oanwinst fan Neeltsje fan Mokum Art. Neist it prachtige byld mei bibelwurden fyn ik de kombinaasje fan kleuren hiel treffend. De kleuren fan de print binne yn it echt noch waarmer en mear helder en dertroch komt de tekst en it byld prachtich tegearre ta syn rjocht. In oanrider!!!”